Below are all the homes currently for sale in the West Park area of Cleveland, Ohio (44111 & 44135). These are listed in order of price. If you’d like more information about any of these including full photos, feel free to email me anytime or simply click the full MLS link here. West Park has many great homes to offer in all styles and price ranges. Conveniently located, West Park is close to the airport, all major highways, downtown and the western suburbs. If you’re considering buying or selling a home in the West Park area of Cleveland Ohio, contact me anytime to get started. Cecilia Sherrard RE/MAX 216-323-4620.

16001 Woodbury Cleveland Ohio, 44135 (West Park) Ranch Home For Sale
Click here to see all of these homes with full photos and information.
3902028 |
$57,900 |
4560 W 148th St |
Cleveland |
3 |
1 (1 0) |
/ |
0.11 |
1938 |
3887341 |
$60,000 |
13402 Terminal Ave |
Cleveland |
3 |
1 (1 0) |
829/ |
0.15 |
1951 |
3872128 |
$61,000 |
14725 Grapeland Ave |
Cleveland |
3 |
1 (1 0) |
975/ |
0.11 |
1948 |
3880969 |
$63,900 |
18027 Larchwood Ave |
Cleveland |
3 |
1 (1 0) |
977/ |
0.11 |
1900 |
3892779 |
$64,900 |
4492 W 148th St |
Cleveland |
2 |
1 (1 0) |
692/ |
0.11 |
1949 |
3906688 |
$69,000 |
14113 Tuckahoe |
Cleveland |
2 |
1 (1 0) |
/ |
0.07 |
1945 |
3907892 |
$69,000 |
17608 Sedalia Ave |
Cleveland |
3 |
1 (1 0) |
1266/ |
0.14 |
1924 |
3897601 |
$69,900 |
4413 W 187th St |
Cleveland |
3 |
2 (1 1) |
1164/ |
0.17 |
1950 |
3817404 |
$69,900 |
4697 W 158th St |
Cleveland |
4 |
1 (1 0) |
/1272 |
1953 |
3902024 |
$69,900 |
4709 W 150th St |
Cleveland |
2 |
1 (1 0) |
/ |
0.12 |
1916 |
3864591 |
$70,000 |
17714 Glenshire Ave |
Cleveland |
2 |
1 (1 0) |
1150/1150 |
0.11 |
1937 |
3906740 |
$73,900 |
4729 W 157th St |
Cleveland |
3 |
1 (1 0) |
1143/ |
0.22 |
1949 |
3779678 |
$74,900 |
3553 W 147th St |
Cleveland |
4 |
2 (2 0) |
1614/ |
0.11 |
1924 |
3898877 |
$74,900 |
4473 W 174th St |
Cleveland |
3 |
2 (2 0) |
1385/ |
0.11 |
1933 |
3882283 |
$78,000 |
4561 W 146 St |
Cleveland |
3 |
1 (1 0) |
/ |
1950 |
3880735 |
$79,000 |
18025 Larchwood Ave |
Cleveland |
3 |
1 (1 0) |
1264/ |
0.11 |
1910 |
3835575 |
$79,000 |
18512 Homeway Rd |
Cleveland |
4 |
1 (1 0) |
/ |
0.13 |
1949 |
3908968 |
$79,000 |
3728 W 140th St |
Cleveland |
3 |
2 (2 0) |
1078/ |
0.14 |
1925 |
3904440 |
$79,400 |
3274 W 141 St |
Cleveland |
2 |
1 (1 0) |
1161/ |
0.12 |
1942 |
3865324 |
$80,000 |
14054 Berwyn Ave |
Cleveland |
2 |
2 (2 0) |
1512/1512 |
0.16 |
1909 |
3896528 |
$80,000 |
3617 W 147th St |
Cleveland |
3 |
2 (1 1) |
1242/ |
0.11 |
1924 |
3908690 |
$84,900 |
14030 Beech Ave |
Cleveland |
3 |
1 (1 0) |
1034/ |
1943 |
3904826 |
$84,900 |
4324 W 146 St |
Cleveland |
3 |
1 (1 0) |
1062/ |
0.10 |
1943 |
3885177 |
$94,900 |
14724 Westland Ave |
Cleveland |
3 |
1 (1 0) |
1173/ |
0.16 |
1951 |
3891880 |
$94,900 |
3685 W 140th St |
Cleveland |
3 |
1 (1 0) |
1476/ |
0.14 |
1928 |
3901088 |
$95,000 |
18421 Homeway Rd |
Cleveland |
3 |
1 (1 0) |
1092/ |
0.19 |
1953 |
3878853 |
$99,000 |
3223 W 142 St |
Cleveland |
3 |
1 (1 0) |
/ |
1940 |
3903185 |
$99,000 |
3727 W 140th St |
Cleveland |
3 |
1 (1 0) |
/ |
0.14 |
1917 |
3880646 |
$99,900 |
17821 Flamingo Ave |
Cleveland |
3 |
2 (2 0) |
1428/ |
0.12 |
1929 |
3903359 |
$105,000 |
16927 Chatfield Ave |
Cleveland |
2 |
2 (2 0) |
1141/ |
0.14 |
1915 |
3896867 |
$109,900 |
14518 Rainbow Ave |
Cleveland |
4 |
1 (1 0) |
1471/ |
0.11 |
1928 |
3907243 |
$109,900 |
14530 Mission Rd |
Cleveland |
3 |
1 (1 0) |
1680/ |
0.14 |
1951 |
3903055 |
$112,000 |
4701 W 152nd St |
Cleveland |
4 |
2 (2 0) |
1248/ |
0.14 |
1955 |
3883873 |
$119,900 |
14725 Alger Rd |
Cleveland |
3 |
1 (1 0) |
1152/ |
0.11 |
1928 |
3878096 |
$119,900 |
17207 Sedalia Ave |
Cleveland |
4 |
2 (1 1) |
1688/ |
0.12 |
1929 |
3901250 |
$134,900 |
17615 Milburn Ave |
Cleveland |
4 |
2 (2 0) |
1658/ |
0.12 |
1929 |
3901883 |
$135,000 |
4393 W 189th St |
Cleveland |
3 |
1 (1 0) |
/ |
0.14 |
1951 |
3900680 |
$137,000 |
3177 Warren Rd |
Cleveland |
4 |
2 (1 1) |
1814/ |
0.15 |
1919 |
3856570 |
$144,900 |
3476 W 151st St |
Cleveland |
4 |
2 (2 0) |
1447/1089 |
0.13 |
1938 |
3906701 |
$145,000 |
17704 Woodbury Ave |
Cleveland |
3 |
1 (1 0) |
1144/ |
0.17 |
1924 |
3908500 |
$145,000 |
17710 Valleyview Ave |
Cleveland |
3 |
2 (1 1) |
1472/ |
0.14 |
1930 |
3909231 |
$145,000 |
3757 W 178th St |
Cleveland |
3 |
2 (1 1) |
1429/ |
0.10 |
1940 |
3869728 |
$149,900 |
16505 Elsienna Ave |
Cleveland |
4 |
2 (2 0) |
1728/2278 |
0.16 |
1933 |
3895611 |
$159,900 |
15520 Frick Ct |
Cleveland |
3 |
2 (1 1) |
1494/ |
0.12 |
1968 |
3881131 |
$159,900 |
15704 Lydian Ave |
Cleveland |
3 |
2 (2 0) |
/ |
0.15 |
1928 |
3908388 |
$165,000 |
3475 Doris Rd |
Cleveland |
3 |
2 (2 0) |
1573/ |
0.15 |
1952 |
3906260 |
$169,900 |
19628 Thornridge Ave |
Cleveland |
3 |
3 (1 2) |
1382/ |
0.12 |
1972 |
3905954 |
$174,900 |
17714 Sedalia Ave |
Cleveland |
4 |
2 (2 0) |
1706/ |
0.14 |
1925 |
3900854 |
$194,900 |
16703 Lucille Ave |
Cleveland |
4 |
2 (1 1) |
1438/ |
0.18 |
1927 |
3908933 |
$229,900 |
17301 Fernshaw Ave |
Cleveland |
3 |
2 (1 1) |
1848/ |
0.20 |
1935 |
Click here to see all of these homes with full photos and information.
The homes for sale above in the West Park neighborhood of Cleveland, Ohio (44111 & 44135) are brought to you by RE/MAX Real Estate Group serving all areas of Northeast Ohio. All homes are from the Ohio MLS and are subject to change in price or status at anytime. Contact Cecilia Sherrard with RE/MAX for current status information, to schedule a showing or for assistance buying or selling a home.
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