City of Cleveland Leaf Pick Up Collection 2011

This year, the city of Cleveland will not be picking up leaves from the residential curbs. As in previous years, Cleveland would vacuum large amounts of leaves typically collected by home owners and placed on tree-lawns. This took place for eight weeks beginning in November. The city will no longer be able to provide curbside leave pick-up service for loose leaf collection due to state imposed budget cuts which resulted in staff reductions. “It’s important that everyone follow City guidelines for leaf disposal,” says Michael E. Cox, Director of Public Works. “Loose leaves blow, drift and eventually end up in the street clogging neighborhood catch basins and that’s when streets and homes begin to flood.”

City council and oficials are asking all residents to be responsible for leaves on their property and keep sidewalks free and clear. Leaves should not be dumped in vacant lots and state and city laws prohibit leaf burning. For more information on this call 216-664-2510.

New plans for leaf removal in Cleveland should be put into place and they include bagging the leaves in “non kitchen trash bags” and set-out on the lawn for regular trash collection days. Mulching is a great way to get rid of leaves. It’s not only easy, but it’s great lawn fertilizer. Use a mulching lawn mower or put a mulching blade on your current mower. Either let the leaves decompose on the lawn or collect them while mowing in your mower bag and then transfer them to lawn bags. Leaves are full of nutrients for the soil and grass. This is a great idea for everyone in Ohio and not just Cleveland residents.

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